
I know it’s all about the baby, but let’s talk about YOU.

Prenatal classes that actually address those big scary feelings you might be having right

Finding out you’re pregnant for the first time is so exciting (and scary). 

I bet when both the little blue lines appeared on that test you felt a combination of intense joy and apprehension.

And after a little while, maybe even before your first set of scans, something started to creep in...

A tiny little voice that said, “ooh, you shouldn’t do that ...don’t eat that ...don’t drink that…”

There’s no question about it: pregnancy and fear come hand-in-hand.

I truly get it because I was afraid too.

“What if I can’t carry this baby to full term?” 

“What if I can’t labour naturally?”

“What if I can’t breastfeed? Can't get my baby to sleep? Don’t connect with my baby…?” 

If that’s not enough, I was afraid of changing and worried my partner wouldn't love the new ‘me’.

Right through my core (I felt it sitting deep in my chest), I was worried I’d mess it all up and ultimately, I’d fail my child.


Now I know this feeling is NORMAL.

Because I was going through one of the biggest, unacknowledged changes in my life.

The transformation from woman to mother.

That’s why it’s become my mission to help you with your unique transition so it’s filled with less doubt, fear and confusion, and MORE trust, confidence and joy.

“Giving birth does not automatically make a mother out of a woman” 

-- Dana Raphael

Over the past six years, I’ve walked the path that’s in front of you now, and I’ve noticed every bump, crack and ditch along the way. 

I learned that carving out some time away from those stretching and pelvic floor-building classes, and the poking and prodding medical appointments, actually opens up sacred time for YOU.

And, even though it seems like no one talks about this, you CAN become a mother with confidence.

You can be a more prepared and calm version of yourself.

It was empowering to be able to connect with, share with and discuss with other expecting mamas. I definitely left feeling more confident, calm and empowered to embrace this transition.”

Nikki 29 Weeks

 Want to know more about how to look after YOU during this time?

“I wish someone had told me that being a mother meant mothering myself first.”

- Laura Coote Founder Reviving Motherhood